mike hagen

Are you living
your dreams?

A massive high-ticket sales expert, speaker,
team builder and huge believer in motivational techniques.

See what mike is up to

“If you want to take your business to the next level, you've come to the right place.”

Rick Redford

President North America, New Age

Mike Hagen

With a 34 year abundance of real world expertise as a renowned network marketing success story.

As a speaker, business owner, and an extraodinary extreprenerial carrer that spans back to my start in 1987, my carreer now focuses on helping the indiviual win in their network marketing carreer.

Network marketing has had a bad rap, and for good reason. Get rich quick schemes and pushy salesman have created negative press in the industry.

But just like any other business model, network marketing can be extremely lucrative. Whether you believe it or not, I know you can create massive success, not just financially, but in every aspect of your life.


why choose me


1-on-1 personal development coaching with me.


Network Marketing business development & strategy.


3 decades of public speaking experience to large teams


Consulting services for new Network Marketing Start-ups



Helping people win

The Prosperity Factor

Everyone wants prosperity in their life. Yet each one of us defines prosperity just a little bit differently. For some it’s defined as financial abundance and wealth. For others, prosperity begins with perfect health or freedom. The Prosperity Factor is your guide to realizing your vision and personal dream of prosperity. I ‘m very passionate about helping more people and want to teach you and help you gain the knowledge and experience on your path to attracting your desired, deserved and ideal lives.

The Prosperity Factor is a collection of my struggles, my wins, the journey over 30 years, and stories from people all around the world, many whom I have been impacted by, mentored by and coached from, who have attracted prosperity, abundance, and wealth into their lives. And through my Journey of learning with them , from them and in turn creating duplicatable strategies’ in my efforts since 1987’, Thus ultimatantly Succeeding and making millions personally and for 1000’s on my team during the process. They poured out their lives into mine, they have shared their stories, secrets, and life lessons on the path toward abundance, wealth, happiness, and financial freedom. It’s my personal obligation to continue these legacy’s. And your personal guide to achieving unlimited wealth in every area of your life.

The Secret, and learn how to apply the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking in your life to start attracting more income, a new career, better health, or loving relationships.

This is not something we are necessarily born with. Therefore we need the lessons, teachings, and mostly wisdom and experience to get there . I want to Share The HOW , The WHY and ultimately continue the Legacy of Winning into You.